Eco-Friendly Bridesmaid's Gifts That Say Thanks, Besties!
Wedding planning can take some serious time and moola these days. From the venue to the wedding cake, you've got a lot to think about. But something that seems to always get pushed to the last minute is the perfect gifts for your bridesmaids.
So, we lined up some eco-friendly bridesmaid's gifts that say, "thanks, besties," while giving some love to Mother Earth. When you can do both things, why not?!

9 Ways to Upcycle Your Totes Into Home Decor
One thing about a bag you love is that it never goes out of style. Still, there comes a time when that tote needs to be recycled or given away. But you don't have to bid farewell to a handbag you adore when you repurpose it.
Some bags can become household decor you'll love. Here are nine ways to upcycle your handbag into home decor. This way, you're getting organized in time for the new year.

Slow Fashion Trends Just In Time For Summer

Why Do We Need Sustainable Brands?
10 Sustainable Fashion Brands to Watch
As a sustainable fashion brand, we wanted to highlight other slow fashion brands with the same commitment to quality and ethics. First, let's look at what sustainable fashion is, and then we'll introduce you to brands we love and think you will too.